
My first 10 days in Madrid!

A bunch of pictures of my room, places I've been and random photos from my first ten days of being here!
 Pretty views on the flight to Madrid
My cozy little room
 Sweet notes in my journal from my girl Miff <3
 Carry-on essentials :)
"Abebcbombie". A few too many B's
Palacio Real de Madrid
Templo de Debod
Fitting in nicely with my fur hood ;)
Where my school is!
My walk to school every day
The best paella ever
First night out!

A few things I've noticed about Madrid since arriving:

-Everyone here looks cute. ALL THE TIME. I can tell this is going to be bad news for my wallet, as I already have a list of things I want to buy in my head. I've seen multiple older women sporting full-blown fur trench coats alongside their plush designer bags and Prada flats. I can only hope to be half as glamorous when I'm at their age.

-In my opinion, their transportation system is way more organized, clean, and less-sketchy than in Oregon. During the day you will see just about anyone riding the metro..from business-men in suits to college students, to families on their way to watch a soccer game. The metro system was really intimidating to me at first, but after taking it a few times it's pretty easy to figure out and a great way to get around. ....Buttttt I don't advise taking it while hungover. That's another story.

-The bread, orange juice, AND COFFEE are way better here. The milk isn't very good. I can't really say anything about the tap water since I've been spoiled my whole life by Oregon's delicious H2O.

-Maybe it's just the Oregonian in me, but I've noticed people here take the cold weather verrrry seriously. It's been in the 40s-50s since I've been here (about 20 degrees warmer than Portland right now), but you won't see anyone outside without a scarf and big coat on. And even when we go out on the weekends, girls always wear tights under their dresses/skirts with long-sleeve blouses (a little different than the night scene in Portland..). My host mom thinks I'm absolutely bonkers when I wear my yoga pants that don't cover my ankles. And I was even honked at the other day while wearing my ankle-showing lulu's, tennis shoes and a puffy coat by a man who just HAD to roll down his window and yell "HACE FRIO!" at me. So thank you, kind sir, for the weather forecast!

-People treat their dogs like humans. I've seen multiple dogs accessorized in sweaters, vests, and even a few raincoats. Even the dogs dress better than me here. Life's rough

-This is probably a given, but the architecture here is so so beautiful. I've posted some photos of buildings and cute flats but pictures don't do it justice. Even the McDonald's is in a beautiful building! Come on America, you're really slacking...

-Their sour candy RULES. Way more sour than anything in the states (besides warheads)

-People here loooove them some Abercrombie & Fitch. I've even seen a knock-off jacket that had "ABEBCBOMBIE" stitched on the side. You can see the picture of it above. 

That's about all the quirky things I can think of right now that I've noticed. I plan to keep updating my blog with things I've done and places I've been, so keep reading! I miss everyone back home so much!

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