

This past weekend we visited Prague, Czech Republic for 4 days! It was one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. Here are some photos and stories of memorable parts of our trip!

 Our first night we walked across the street from our apartment to a jazz club and had a few beers. Beer is cheaper than water in Prague--seriously! But none of Prague's beer even comes close to rivaling Portland's selection :)
We pretty much lived off of coffee
 I spotted a flock of European guys wearing Timberlands too and made them take a picture with me..

 A horse made of tires
 Shoutout to Sergio for being the best photographer!
 The Astronomical Clock!
Playing with bubbles in Old Town Square
 We did a lot of window shopping......aka tortured ourselves
3/4 of my cute travel buds
At the John Lennon Wall!
 Lunch our first day. Brat, bread, sauerkraut and beer. YUM!
Hittin the town 
 We took these pictures at a Starbucks! Prague had Starbucks' in the most insane locations
 Charles Bridge was probably my favorite part about Prague. It was so romantic and full of people selling art and other little things. Everywhere you looked, couples were canoodling and taking pictures together...
.....So Emily and I decided to have a little makeout sesh of our own.... (JK)
Just  Czechin' out Prague..........
 And the award for cutest couple ever goes to these two!
 Pho for dinner on our 2nd night!
 When we went to the Strahov Monastery, a bunch of older Czech women who worked there were watching everyone to make sure they weren't taking pictures without paying. Even if you wanted to take a picture with your iPhone, you had to pay 50 crowns! One of them stopped me as I was taking pictures, and I tried to pay her in american coins three times until finally she rolled her eyes and muttered something Czech and walked away. #winning
 We stopped and had coffee and this amazing restaurant near the monastery. The views were breathtaking 
 On our last day we had a long layover in Brussels, Belgium so we squeezed in some shopping and exploring there!
Couldn't have asked for better people to explore Prague with!

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