

Right after I got home from Estepona and Granada, I hopped on a plane the next morning to Barcelona to meet my friend Kelsey who was visiting from Oregon. I LOVED Barcelona--I loved that it had a city center but also a beach ten minutes away. It was like two cities in one. We didn't do as much sightseeing as we would have liked to (we may or may not have stayed out til 7am the night before...) but we did get to see Barceloneta, had Easter lunch on the Cathedral steps, and took a tram to Montjuic with some friends we met in the hostel. I had so much fun meeting people and loved the overall vibe of Barcelona. I can't wait to go back with my mom in a few weeks!
 This was a religious procession for Easter. They have them in all major cities in Spain, and it's a pretty big deal. The outfits were a bit scary at first, but we got used to it.
 At the top of Montjuic
 I was watching these people for awhile try to fold their gigantic map...
 Happy Easter!
 But first, let me take a selfie

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