
3.1 Phillip Lim + Target

This morning I woke up and remembered that Target released the 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target collection. Clearly I underestimated the number of fashionistas in the area, because once I finally made my way to Target around noon, mostly everything was sold out besides two black bags, a scarf, and a few dresses. This large black tote was the only bag left so I swooped it as soon as I saw it. I'm definitely not complaining though, because these bags look super similar to the original Phillip Lim bags which sell for around $900, and I got mine for $54.99! Holla

This is my very first outfit post (scary), and I'm a really awkward person in general so these poses weren't easy for me! Anyway, here are some outfit pictures with my gloriously large black tote that I'm now obsessed with.

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

{Express booties, H&M jeans, Nordstrom cardigan, Nordstrom scarf, Nixon watch}

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