

So my brother recently proposed to his girlfriend of TEN years (yes you read that right), and I'M SO EXCITED for them! They're two of the most deserving, funny and intelligent people I've ever met and are so stinking perfect for each other. I could go on and on about how excited my family and I are but instead I'll just show you what my mom and I put together as a little engagement gift for them!

1. Portland Bride and Groom magazine
2. Champagne (duh) and champagne glasses
3. A cute little elephant ring holder (that I wish I had a better picture of)
4. Hot sauce (because who doesn't love hot sauce.....?)
5. My mom spotted a tiny notepad with "We do not remember days, we remember moments" on the cover, which was pretty perfect for the occasion.
6. Lots of Hershey Kisses!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this thoughtful gift! You guys have always made me feel so welcome, and I'm so lucky to get a guy like Kyle AND you and your mom in the bargain.

    I am so excited to join your family. :)
